Tuesday, 1 April 2008

April 2008

Went to Commercial Vehicle Show at NEC yesterday with Reg, nice lunch Scania!  Silo installation been a bit tricky, but all complete now. Dean has had quite a few problems to get to grips with, particularly electrical to do with co-ordinating the tanker filling bellows and the starting of the silo unloading augers. We had to turn the whole installation around 180 degrees as the auger to connect the silo to the bellows was too steep.  This resulted in adding a further auger into the system, and programming of the logic controller to allow the various parts to start and stop in the correct sequence. The result however is exactly what we wanted the cement bin is filled to the top every time, accommodates all the different trucks and above all there is NO dust!! That will keep the council happy.

Welcome to Mitch who has joined us and is driving Baby Blue a small 6 wheel rear steer vehicle on loan to us while we wait for the new one to arrive. It is in different livery to our own trucks but still a Reimer from Canada, and thank you to everyone who has phoned me to say that someone new has started up. No it is Eastern Concrete in disguise!!